Family Center
Information for Families
To receive accommodations, students need to provide the Student Access Center (SAC) with disability documentation that supports the requested accommodations. Not all IEP’s and 504 Plans contain the necessary information SAC needs to establish eligibility. Please see our Documentation Guidelines for more information.
The University of Kansas (KU) has specific procedures in place for students requesting academic accommodations. You can learn more about these procedures by visiting the Accommodation Process.
The SAC facilitates appropriate academic accommodations and auxiliary aids and services that are necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in the University’s programs and activities. Specifically, students must provide written documentation from a qualified professional on the nature and impact of the disability. The student and the SAC will then engage in an interactive process to determine what, if any, accommodations are appropriate based on the student’s disability and individual needs. Please see our page on Implementing Academic Accommodations to find out more about the responsibilities of each the student, the SAC, and the Faculty/Instructor in this process.
Legislation that protects students with disabilities in K-12 changes once students exit the school system and enter college or employment settings. Students may have had an IEP or 504 plan in high school. While those documents can be helpful to us in determining reasonable accommodations at the postsecondary level, IEPs and 504 plans do not “transfer” to college. Laws protecting postsecondary students from discrimination on the
basis of disability are different than K-12 protections. This chart describes these differences in more detail: Comparison of IDEA, Section 504 & ADA (pdf).
To develop a better understanding of the transition to postsecondary education for students with disabilities, the US Department of Education has an excellent document that provides a wealth of information. Please visit their site, US Department of Education, for more information on this transition.
Students’ right to privacy is federally protected under the Federal Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA). This Act prevents anyone from discussing the presence or participation of a student in any university activity without prior consent from the student. The full policy is available to read in the University Policy Library.
Options for Student Academic Support
Writers need feedback, sounding boards, and other people to coach them while they compose. That's where the KU Writing Center comes in. It's a place for productive talk about writing, with trained peer consultants to help you brainstorm, draft, and revise your projects. Visit the Wingspan to learn more.
The Wingspan Peer Academic Coaching program provides individual and group support to help students set and achieve goals, and develop behaviors, habits, and strategies for college success and life. Peer coaches can help with study skills, note-taking, test preparation, and time management. Coaching is available to all students (undergraduate and graduate students) and free of charge. A student may call 785-864-7733 to make an appointment.
Supplemental Instruction (SI) provides peer facilitated study sessions outside of the classroom. Students may attend one or more SI sessions and/or office hours during the week. SI Sessions offer an opportunity for the student to discuss the material, gain study tips, and ask questions. For more information, students may see their instructor or visit SI for more information.
The Wingspan Tutoring Program offers free individual peer led tutoring. Tutoring is KU course specific. Tutors are formally trained and come recommended by at least two KU faculty/instructors. Visit Tutoring Services to request a tutor group.